Principal Tailings Dam Breach Engineer

  • Job offer has expired
  • Northern Suburbs Sandton

Job details

General requirements:

We are engaging Principal Engineers for our Environmental Geotechnical (Engeo) Business Unit. The successful candidate will be involved in:

  • A variety of projects, mainly in Southern and Central Africa;
  • A stimulating work environment where ongoing innovation and technological development is an essential requirement to meet changing environmental and residue material behaviours.

Reporting to the Business Unit Partner, you will primarily be responsible for leading dam breach and inundation and related studies for TSFs, and in addition, also typically be involved in:

  • Geotechnical investigations to evaluate the engineering properties and in situ conditions of TSFs;
  • Engineer of Record roles and responsibilities during the construction, operating, decommissioning and closure phases of a TSF;
  • Ongoing attention to individual and team development and growth to remain at the forefront of residue management technology will be a key requirement and success factor.

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